How can you guarantee that I will be in the picture?
When you sign up we get your race number from the race organizers. We then take pictures of everybody during the race, and locate your particular picture by your timing chip. Most of our pictures are taken at the finish line.
What if I don’t have my bib number when I order the poster?
Not a problem. We will get your number from the race computer. If for any reason we can’t find it, we will contact you. It helps if you give the name of the person with whom you registered.
Can I see my picture before I order a poster?
Unfortunately this is not possible. But we do have a 100{9195d24801673f547693845e2dc7385f1b9d94b6cd2c656fa6de9cf8ed0b3dcc} money back guarantee (including shipping) if you’re not fully satisfied.
I’m running in the full marathon and my wife/friend/husband is running in the half
Both of you will appear in the same poster. (The title of the poster will reflect the half and full, where applicable).
Do I have to buy two posters if I want my husband/wife/friend in the poster?
No. You can buy one poster at the regular price, and pay $10.00 to have your partner appear in your poster. (If they want to order their own poster later, they will receive a $10.00 discount.
Is there a discount for more than one poster?
Yes. Additional posters (shipped to the same address) pay no shipping charge. Four posters or more are entitled to additional discounts. Please contact us for details.
How long do the posters take to ship?
It varies a little. But usually about 4-6 weeks.
Do you do regular race photos as well?
No. We are contractually prohibited by the races to do so. You will receive proofs in the mail from the company that does.
Why was I in the poster only once?
Our first responsibility is to make the poster work in terms of image resolution while making sure that everyone is in the poster as many times as possible. Sometimes, your picture may not “fit” very well and degrade the overall image quality. Other pictures however, happen to work better, and are consequently used 3-6 times. There is no way to predict which pictures will work better. It’s purely the luck of the draw.
What happens if you don’t find my picture?
Although it is rare not to find your picture, it does happen. If we cannot locate you, we will refund the entire cost of your purchase (including shipping) and send you a free poster (although your picture will not be on it).
How can I increase my chances that you will find me?
The best way to ensure that you will be found is to wear your race bib on the front of your vest so it is clearly visible to our photographers. Also, try and avoid running in the middle of a large group when you get to the finish line. It’s not necessary to finish the race before the timing strip is picked up, but it does make it more difficult to find you.
How many pictures do you use for each poster?
There are approximately 1,600 pictures in each poster. However, we limit the amount of runners to 500 so that we can use more than one picture of each runner. We do not make the pictures smaller to accommodate more people. If necessary we create a second edition of the poster.
Can I order a poster in person?
Yes. We will be at the race expo when you pick up your race bib.
How do you create the images?
It’s a complicated business!
We first design a master image that reflects the character of the race. Palm trees for Hawaii, Mickey Mouse for Disney, etc. The poster design is a critical step in the process, since not just any image lends itself to a mosaic. The right balance of color and contrast in the main image must anticipate the colors of the vests, faces and backgrounds that we expect to encounter on the race course.
On race day, we take pictures of every runner on the course while they’re running at various positions on the race course (mainly the finish line).. We shoot hundreds of thousands of pictures at every race to make sure that we have enough pictures to work with, then download these images into our computers. Next, we establish the runner’s number for each picture using a variety of methods to ensure that we have the right person. Then we determine which people have actually ordered a poster and carefully crop and analyze each picture using our powerful in-house proprietary software which takes about three days.
Once we’re satisfied that the pictures are in the right positions, we hand rearrange pictures that don’t fit to our liking, adjusting contrast and color if necessary, then instruct the software to build the final image, We next generate a map showing the placement of each picture in the poster which is then printed onto high quality paper with a UV gloss and mailed in a poster tube to the customer.
The range of complex skills required to produce a one-of-a-kind product like this requires teamwork and precision, and we’re proud of our work and the fact that we are the only company in the world that can offer this kind of artwork. Posters from previous races have been resold for over $200.00, and we believe that the posters will become more valuable over time.